The Signs – Does the God exist?

The video above is highly recommended to all Atheists. If you are a true Atheist then you rely on scientific evidence for proof. The above video will provide you with overwhelming scientific proof. This is a documentary which deals with the conflict between atheism and theism in the light of modern science.

List of Contents of the Video
Cosmological Argument

03:34 The Beginning of the Universe: The Big Bang

04:09 The Old Theory rejected by the scientists that universe had always existed “The Steady-State Model”

04:30 Evidences of the Beginning of the Universe

06:30 Kalam Cosmological Argument: The Universe has a cause

08:48 Why God? : The Nature of this Cause

12:52 Can the laws of Physics be the cause of the universe?

18:24 Where did God come from?

21:50 Laws of Thermodynamics: The laws of physics only apply once the universe came to existence.

24:38 Conclusion: Kalam Cosmological Argument & The Nature of First Cause

26:20 End of the Kalam Argument

Fine Tuning of The Universe or the Intelligent Design / The Universe has a purpose

34:01 “Multiverse” an excuse to escape God

44:08 The symmetry exist in the universe: Fibonacci Series or God’s Fingerprint upon The Nature/ Intelligent Design

51:09 Fibonacci Intelligent Design Science crushes any competition: Golden ratio in the Nanoscale Symmetry

59:44 End of Fine Tuning Argument
Reality of Evolution

59:50 History of the Theory

1:01:56 Could the First Living Cell emerge from Non-living Things?

1:12:19 The Complex Design of the DNA/ Information always come from an intelligent source

1:19:56 Minimal Gene Set Concept

1:21:54 The laws of Inheritance/ Natural Selection has no inheritable variation or evolutionary power

1:23:28 Can the “Mutation” increase genetic information?

1:27:44 Paleontology or fossil science also refute evolution

1:33:31 Has the Humans evolved from the apes?

1:36:46 Evolutionist’s Propaganda

1:40:09 Deliberate Forgeries: False Fossils

1:43:04 Conclusion

Richard Dawkins now believes that intelligent design is a legitimate pursuit and yes, he is in this video.

After watching the above video, you will be left with no alternative but to become …

“Commenting on the order found in the universe, the physicist Stephen Hawking explains that:
The overwhelming impression ‘is one of order, the more we discover about the universe, the more we find that it is governed by rational laws.”

“The Signs of God’s Existence is an interesting high quality documentary that explains in an intellectual way why it is logical to believe in God. This documentary gives some good rational answers and food for thought.

**Disclamer** We of this channel do not agree with all the information presented especially the information at the end that states: The God of the Bible and Allah are the same. However there is enough information in this video that it is worth being viewed and that our subscribers can make up their own minds.***” [2]



Evolution or Intelligent Design ?

Download and Read Famous Book of Darwin’s Black Box


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