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Holy Quran (Arabic)

 Author: God  Category:  Pages: 569  Language: Arabic  File Size: 3.5 MB  Download / Read

This Arabic Quran has a little size (3.5 MB) and beautiful fonts.

“The Holy Quran is a compilation of the verbal revelations given to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)  over a period of twenty three years. The Holy Quran is the Holy Book or the Scriptures of the Muslims. It lays down for them the law and commandments, codes for their social and moral behavior, and contains a comprehensive religious philosophy. The language of the Quran is Arabic.

The Holy Quran is divided into 114 Surahs or Chapters and each Chapter consists of individual Ayaat or verses.

Broadly speaking, the contents of the Holy Quran fall into five main categories:

  1. Nature of the Spiritual World
  2. The Law and Commandments
  3. Historical Accounts
  4. The Wisdom
  5. The Prophecies “


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